sábado, 17 de julio de 2010

Lady Gaga a publicado una nota en su Facebook, pidiendo a todos los Little Monsters que vallan a asistir al "Monster Ball" de St. Lois, que sean cuidadosos ya que un grupo radical se manifestara frente al estadio donde se llevara acabo el concierto.

En su comunicado, Gaga ha pedido que no presten atencion a los insultos de los manifestantes y que no traten de pelear con ellos. Tambien dice que ella respeta todas las opiniones pero que en lo personal ella piensa que el grupo radical es violento y peligroso.

Aqui esta la nota que Gaga a publicado:

I would like to make my little monster fans aware of a protest being held outside the Monsterball in St.Louis tonight. Although we have had protesters before, as well as fundamentalists at the show, this group of protesters are hate criminals and preach using lewd and violent language and imagery that I wish I protect you all from. Their message is of hatred and divisiveness, but inside at the Monsterball we preach love and unity.

My request to all little monsters and public authorites is to pay these hate criminals no mind. Do not interact with them, or try to fight, Do not respond to any of their provocation. Don't waste your words, or feelings, no matter what you hear or see you are more fortunate and blessed than they are, and in your heart just pray for them. Although I respect and do not judge anyone for their personal views on any politics or religion, this group in particular to me, is violent and dangerous I wanted to make my fans aware of my views on how to approach, or rather not approach, these kinds of hate activists.

Be inspired to ignore their ignorant message, and feel gratitude in your heart that you are not burdened or addicted to hate, as they are. X

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